Chickpea & Greens Mini Frittatas

Chickpea & Greens Mini Frittatas

This is a very easy, and fool-proof way to have an “eggy dish” without eggs! It has zero cholesterol and is very low in fat, and still super satisfying and delicious. With the new popularity of Just Egg, I’ve been determined to use “old school” versions of creating egg-like dishes using legumes. Just Egg is just too pricey (about $7 per bottle!) to keep on hand, goes bad fast, and I like to control the processing, sodium and additives. I’ve had the most success using good ole garbanzo bean flour, which sells for about $2 and you get a LOT more! BTW, garbanzo beans and chickpeas are different words for the same thing — I tend to like to use the term “chickpeas” better because it’s just cuter! Try this recipe and let me know how it goes! SO delicious AND nutritious! NOTE — you can simplify this by using some frozen veggies if you like, and store-bought hummus for the cheesy sauce. If you’re like me and you want a REALLY easy pantry-friendly Mac and Cheese Sauce — try this one! It’s awesome to keep on hand for times like when you want to make these frittatas but don’t have time to make the cheesy sauce too. 

And if you are wondering how else to use that garbanzo flour — how about an oil-free Mushroom Gravy? It’s so good on everything! Scroll down HERE for a great recipe.


Scroll  DOWN for photos for all stages. 

Chickpea & Greens Mini Frittatas

makes 6 Frittatas (3 servings of 2 Frittatas each)

Recipe adapted from Jill Ovnick’s recipe

These are simple to make, much healthier than eggs and so savory & yummy!

1 cup garbanzo flour

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

1/2 teaspoon each baking powder, onion/garlic powder, turmeric

pinch red pepper flakes

1/4 teaspoon black salt (or regular salt)

pepper to taste

1 cup unsweetened plain non-dairy milk

1 tablespoon lemon juice or apple cider vinegar

1–2 cups chopped veggies of choice: spinach, broccoli, green onions, arugula, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, roasted red pepper etc.

1/4 cup salsa

1/3 cup Chipotle Cheesy Sauce , hummus or another thick vegan cheesy sauce

1. Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.

2. Lightly oil 6 cupcake tins or line them with cupcake liners.

3. Place the flour, nutritional yeast and spices into a mixing bowl.

4. Whisk in the soy milk and lemon juice — to consistency of crepe batter (it should be rather thin — add more milk or some water to thin if necessary).

5. Stir in the veggies and salsa.

6. Place about ¼–1/3 cup of the batter into each cupcake liner.

7. Add about 1–2 tablespoons of the Chipotle Cheese Sauce to top, in the center of each frittata.

8. Bake for about 25-30 minutes, until browned, puffy and slightly firm on top.

9. Remove from the oven.

10. IMPORTANT — allow them to cool for 20 minutes. They will firm up as they cool. Best served at room temperature.

11. Enjoy with a green salad for a full meal!








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