Coconut Bacon

Coconut Bacon

 Coconut Bacon

You can watch a LIVE video of me making this recipe HERE

2 1/2 cups wide flake coconut

1 tablespoon Braggs Aminos

1 tablespoon AC Vin + 1 teaspoon

1 tablespoon coconut nectar

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1/2 teaspoon turmeric 

fresh ground black pepper to taste 

1/2 teaspoon liquid smoke 

 Preheat oven to 300 degrees 

Coat the coconut with the rest of the ingredients. Spread thinly on parchment lined baking sheets. 

Cook for 5-7 minutes 


Cook for 4-5 minutes 


Is it done? If not... 

Cook for 3 minutes 


Is it done? If not... 

Cook for 2 minutes

Is it done? 

It should be evenly crispy and delicious! You can leave the trays in the warm oven with the door open to further crisp it to avoid burning. 


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