LIVE SAUCY: Winning Cheesy Sauce and Soyrizo!

As seen online - Veguary 2022!
This recipe is Patty's Dierck's Winning Cheesy Sauce from PlantDiego's Veguary Wrap up Chef's Challenge 2020! As a bonus, she's also sharing a recipe she recently created: Soyrizo made with a great WFPB option - Soy Curls!
She demoed these yummy recipes as part of our Veguary Live Saucy Series!
Here's the video from the online demo event! Check out how Patty makes two of her favorite goto recipes!
+++ THE WINNER +++
Recipe by Patty Diercks (inspired by Jill McKeever’s OMG Vegan Cheese Sauce - see note below)
My son, Dan, is not vegan but he went crazy over this “cheese” sauce! He loves to top his tacos with this sauce and has even started making this sauce himself.
Makes 2 cups
¼ cup onion
½ cup rolled oats
1 cup raw cashews
½ cup nutritional yeast *** see note below
¼ cup roasted red bell pepper (I use Trader Joe’s)
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 ½ tablespoons lemon juice
1 ½ tablespoons white miso
2 cups water
*** We buy the organic nutritional yeast from OB People’s Market. It is costly but the taste is the best. Also, it does not have folic acid which Dr Greger does not recommend ( )
Soak cashews in warm water for 30 minutes and drain. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend for at least 5 minutes or until it becomes hot, thick and creamy. You can alternatively pour the contents into a pan after blending until very smooth and heat slowly while stirring until hot, thick and creamy.
NOTE: This recipe is inspired by Jill McKeever’s OMG Vegan Cheese Sauce, which is fat free (uses no cashews). If you would like a version like this here is the link:
8 oz Butler soy curls
1.5 c water hot
3 T white vinegar
1 T miso
2-3 T paprika
1 T garlic powder
2 t chili powder
2 T cumin
1 T oregano
1 t ground coriander
1 pinch cinnamon
2 t marjoram
½ c tomato paste
1 T maple syrup
2 T mustard (any kind)
Place soy curls in a blender on low to make large pieces into ½ inch size pieces. Mix miso and white vinegar in hot water till miso is dissolved. Soak soy curls in this mixture for 15 minutes in a large pot.
Mix all the spices in a bowl until well blended. Add all the spices to the soaked soy curls. Mix well.
Add tomato paste, maple syrup, and mustard to the soy curls. Place on low heat for 5-10 minutes while mixing to prevent burning, adding additional water as needed to help it all get mixed and the soy curls coated with flavor.
Soyrizo will be good for 4-5 days.
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